Call of Duty Modern Warfare Review
As I’m sure many of you know, Call of Duty is a franchise that I hold very close to my heart. It has given me many highly memorable experiences and it was pretty much solely responsible for getting me into gaming and for that, I am extremely grateful.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Review
We’ve already had Ring Fit a few weeks back and we have some huge games still to come this year but today, we’re taking a look at Luigi’s Mansion 3, the spooky new ghostbusting title aiming to bring some new gameplay to the Switch.

UK Gaming Chart Week 46 12/11/19
Another week flies by and with just a few big releases left to come, we should be starting to see the chart settle down after next week so let’s hope that the next two charts bring plenty of action!

ShopTo Blog Gaming Discussion 12/11/19
Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend! The winter weather is fully here and to me, that means its gaming season as nothing is better than sitting next to a radiator, gaming the evening away!

Mario and Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Initial Thoughts
It’s Friday and you know that that means? Its time for another big Nintendo Exclusive and this week’s comes in the form of Mario and Sonic at the Olympics!

UK Gaming Chart Week 45 05/11/19
It's time to take a look at the UK charts again and after all the action in the past few weeks, surely we’re going to see some big movement this week! Let’s not beat around the bush and find out what’s going on!

ShopTo Blog Gaming Discussion 05/11/19
Good afternoon everyone, I hope you’ve all had a great week/weekend! I spent most of my gaming time over the past few days playing the Modern Warfare Campaign and I've been very impressed with what I've seen!

Games Releasing in November 2019 – PS4, Xbox One And Switch
The madness continues as we move from one busy month to the next! Yes, November is here, and it brings with it even more huge games for us to get playing and talking about!
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Final Fantasy VII Remake ShopTo Exclusive Bonus Revealed
As if the hype for the Final Fantasy VII Remake wasn’t high enough, today we’ve got a big announcement here on ShopTo!

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Initial Thoughts
The next big Nintendo exclusive is here! We’ve had a few recently and we’ve got even more to come but today, we’re taking a look at Luigi’s Mansion, the first game in a while to star everyone’s second favourite Mario brother!

PlayStation Plus Free Games For November Revealed
So earlier we had the Xbox Live free games line-up for November but now its time to see what the reigning champions PlayStation are offering us next month!
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Games With Gold For November Revealed
It's that time again! Yes, the busy month of October is drawing to a close and as usual, its time to take a look ahead to next months free game offerings from the big two platforms!

The Outer Worlds Review
Obsidian, having developed some of the older Fallout games already have a huge amount of experience within the genre so it comes as no surprise that The Outer Worlds is an awesome game.

The Outer Worlds Initial Thoughts
A few days later than it should have been posted, our The Outer Worlds Initial Thoughts are finally here!

Need For Speed Heat Launch Trailer Released
We are just over a week away from the next Need For Speed title and boy does it have a weight on its shoulders!